How will enrollment work for a school classified as a private school but offering pep kids instruction? So example, if they offer full time private school and hybrid options. Would they not enroll the pep children? Wouldn’t that make the student out of compliance and ineligible for pep funds? Or is there now a drop down box in the EMA or something for the participating private school to select so the child can be enrolled but remain in PEP compliance?
What does “participating private school” mean? I assume it means full time private schools already accepting other SUFS scholarship funds that take the extra steps to let them know they want to offer hybrid services as well?
Hi! We've been told that the DOE will have a way of differentiating PEP students who are enrolled as hybrid (2-3 days a week) students from regular, full-time private school students, to ensure that the PEP students don't run into issues with enrollment cross checks, etc. They will likely have the private schools record those students a certain way. However, Step Up and the DOE were still working out the logistics last we checked.
From the parent end, the student would be PEP but just using their funds at a private school for a hybrid program. I'm sure Step Up will also have some way on differentiating on their end which of their providers in EMA are these type of programs. But the attendance track/enrollment status for those students would still legally be PEP.
"Participating" schools are going to be the ones who meet all the requirements for scholarship criteria and have gone through the process to be on the approved list with both the DOE and Step Up/AAA.
I hope that helps!