We've created this new category of our forum to help parents of children with special needs connect to share resources and experience, ask questions, and more.
If you are a veteran homeschool parent with several years of experience in homeschooling a child with special needs (and especially if you have been through the journey of homeschooling and graduating your child, with all the wisdom and experience that contains!), we would love to mark you as a "Special Needs Mentor" here in the forum so that as you're interacting in this part of the forum, you will be easily identifiable as someone with years of experience in this arena. If this fits you, please let us know so we can add that badge for you!
To all parents in this section of the forum, welcome! We hope this will be a helpful resource for you.
Good morning! I am a homeschooling special needs mama. We are in the process of special needs high school. Our special needs education journey started overseas in Okinawa, Japan with self-contained ESE pre-k at 3 years old. Once stateside again, we maintained self-contained ESE through kindergarten. We then made the descision to homeschool and just started our 10th year homeschooling. We are currently navigating transitioning to adulthood and how that looks as a homeschooler. We use Simply Classical through Memoria Press.