[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The number of sites won’t be as plentiful as usual.
But for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic shuttered schools, Florida teens will have the chance to take the ACT test in June — even as campuses remain closed for summer course work.
“We recognize that many students, including seniors, are in need of test scores for scholarship and admissions decisions. This requires us to provide flexible options for testing,” the ACT told the Tampa Bay Times via email. “We’re committed to working with test centers that can safely open and are prepared to follow CDC guidelines to provide a safe opportunity for students to test.” The ACT plans to alert students beginning this week if their testing center has canceled. If families feel uncomfortable going to an open center, they may request a refund or reschedule to a future testing date.
Several schools that had planned to offer the test decided against it. But others — including Spoto and Durant in Hillsborough County, Hudson and Gulf in Pasco County, and Pinellas Park and Lakewood in Pinellas County — …
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