To: FHSAA Member Schools From: FHSAA Office Roger Dearing, Executive Director M. Denarvise Thornton, Jr., Associate Executive Director Michael Colby, Director of Eligibility
Subject: Alachua County Home Educated Students Dually Enrolled at Santa Fe College / Bylaw 9.2
This communication serves to clarify the application of FHSAA Bylaw as it relates to the dual enrollment program that exists at Santa Fe College, Alachua County Florida. Bylaw states: Students in Dual Enrollment and Early Admission Programs. A student who attends a dual enrollment or early admission program operated by a community college or university may participate at the school the student would normally attend if: (a) The school awards credit toward graduation for the work the student completes at the community college or university; and (b) The community college or university officially issues grades on the same schedule as the school’s semester; and (c) The student takes and completes the minimum number of credits required for graduation; and (d) The student does not participate in the intercollegiate athletic programs of the community college or university; and (e) The student meets all other FHSAA eligibility requirements (no form or letter is required).
For clarification, students who register or enroll in Santa Fe College and Alachua County Public Schools dual enrollment program are allowed to designate their enrollment “in name only” which is a term only used by Santa Fe College / Alachua County Public Schools. For the purpose of applying the aforementioned bylaw and determining student athletic eligibility, this office determines students who are dual enrolled and list a public school as the school with which he/she is enrolled in addition to Santa Fe College, the student is only eligible to participate in the interscholastic program at his/her zoned school, in accordance with Alachua County Public Schools’ attendance (zone) policy.
Home educated students who are dual enrolled may participate in accordance with Bylaw and; however, this student must be duly registered and enrolled as a home educated student with Santa Fe College AND Alachua County School District. Home Education Student. A legally registered home education student may participate at one of the following: (a) The public school the student normally would attend; or (b) A public school the student could choose to attend according to controlled open enrollment provisions; or (c) A private school that will accept the student for participation; or (d) A home education cooperative to which the student belongs. Home Education Student Requirements. To participate in interscholastic athletics, a home education student must: (s.1006.15(3)(c)1-7, Florida Statutes) (a) register as a home education student with the district school superintendent of the county in which he/she resides; and (b) notify the school of his/her intent to participate before the beginning date of the season for the sport in which he/she wants to participate; and (c) meet the same standards of acceptance, behavior and performance as the school requires of other participating students; and (d) certify to the school at the end of each semester that he/she has the minimum cumulative grade point average required for participation; and (e) meet all other FHSAA eligibility requirements; and (f) must be approved by the FHSAA Office each year using a form provided by the Association.
Home educated students who are registered as home educated students with Alachua County School District but registered / listed as dual enrolled students with Santa Fe College and their zoned public school (Santa Fe College and a secondary school) shall only be eligible to participate at their zoned public school.
Please share this information with any students participating in your program as a home educated and/or dual enrolled student.
If you have any questions regarding this communication, please don’t hesitate to contact the FHSAA Office at 352-372-9551 x 240.