A mom in our group is ready to home school her Kindergarten-aged child. The child has been receiving speech therapy through the schools system. Will he be able to continue?
This is always a popular question, and counties see this differently. The trick is in the verbiage of the law:
In 1002.41, we find the word "may" in reference to dual enrollment, extracurricular activities, and services, but the 'services' part is not addressed anywhere else in statute. Dual enrollment, et al, are.
(4) Home education students may participate in interscholastic extracurricular student activities in accordance with the provisions of s. 1000.15. (5) Home education students may participate in the Bright Futures Scholarship Program in accordance with the provisions of ss. 1009.53-1009.539. (6) Home education students may participate in dual enrollment programs in accordance with the provisions of s. 1007.27(4) and 1007.271(10). (7) Home education students are eligible for admission to community colleges in accordance with the provisions of s. 1007.263. (8) Home education students are eligible for admission to state universities in accordance with the provisions of s. 1007.261. (9) Home education program students may receive testing and evaluation services at diagnostic and resource centers, in accordance with the provisions of s. 1006.03(3).
1006.03(3) Diagnostic and resource centers may provide testing and evaluation services to private school students and other children who are not enrolled in public schools.
Many counties read this and say, "May" does not mean "must". The trick here is that students using the McKay Scholarship may access services at public schools, so what's the difference?
I would recommend the mom take the applicable statutes (1002.41(4-9)), call her zoned school, and presume they will serve her child. She is a taxpayer, and statutes permit it. Most schools will have to call together an SST (Student Success Team) to address her child's needs, and, obviously, the testing is available to her. The school will receive FTE money, as well as federal monies, once an IEP is written for her son.